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Smart Ring vs Smart Watch: Ultrahuman Smart Ring

Ultrahuman Smart Ring

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone: Exploring the Ultrahuman Smart Ring

Have you ever felt like stepping out of your comfort zone? Well, I just did—literally. Ultrahuman sent me their latest gadget, the Ring Air, a while ago, and I’ve been testing it ever since. Despite its tiny size, this smart ring packs a punch. I might not cover every aspect here, so please drop any questions in the comments. Let’s dive in!

First Impressions: Size Doesn’t Matter

The first thing that struck me about the Ring Air is its size. It’s no bigger than my wedding band, yet it’s crammed with impressive technology. I’ve even been wearing it as my wedding ring, and no one has noticed a thing. It’s that discreet and cool—it blends seamlessly into your life.

What Is a Smart Ring?

In essence, the Ring Air is a Smart Ring in the sense of how we understand smart wearables. It’s akin to a smartwatch but without the display. It’s a sleek, small device that tracks and stores essential health information. From steps and calorie consumption to heart rate and skin temperature, it collects data and presents it in a digestible format. Think stress levels, sleep scores, deep sleep analysis, resting heart rate, heart rate variance, dynamic recovery scores, and more.

Ultrahuman Smart Ring Air up close

Who Is It For?

This smart ring is for anyone keen on monitoring their health. While it naturally leans towards athletes, it’s also great for anyone who wants to keep a watchful eye (not smartwatch/ful…horrible joke) on their well-being. Imagine sharing your sleep patterns, heart rate, and temperature trends with your doctor—it could enhance medical diagnostics and treatment plans (Purely based on my opinion).

Smart Ring vs. Smartwatch

A common question: “My smartwatch can do all this already, right?” True, but the smart ring is less invasive and much smaller. If you need constant access to a digital display, a smartwatch might serve you better. But if you want something lightweight and unobtrusive, the smart ring is worth considering. Plus, I find the data interpretation on the Ultrahuman app superior to many smartwatches.

Battery Life and Cost

One downside is the battery life—about seven days, which isn’t ideal. Frequent charging is necessary, especially if you’re diving in cold waters where battery life diminishes. As for cost, it’s around $350 (R6,000 in South Africa). New technology is always expensive, but prices drop as production scales up. Remember the first cell phones? They were huge, had poor battery life, and were costly. Early adoption has its risks but also its rewards.

Ultrahuman Smart Ring Air Charging Dock

Additional Insights

  • Battery Usage: Expect around 15-20% per day.
  • Durability: Made of tungsten, it’s tough. I’ve knocked it into walls, and it remains scratch-free.
  • Integration: It fits into my life seamlessly, providing valuable health tips, like sleep recommendations and caffeine avoidance.
  • App Features: The Ultrahuman app offers zones for comparing data with friends, meditation guides, workout programs, and even a marathon training program.


I genuinely enjoyed using the Ultrahuman Smart Ring. It’s a personal decision whether it’s right for you, but it’s ideal for those seeking less invasive health tracking. The ring provides unique insights that might not be available from your smartwatch.

Moreover, Ultrahuman is responsive to feedback. They made changes to their app based on my suggestions, showing they care about user experience. Excitingly, Ultrahuman is also integrating with Strava, so there’s more innovation to come.

In a light-hearted twist, this smart ring could even serve as a suggestive gift for a husband, encouraging him to stay active. It’s durable, waterproof, and packed with tech—making it a thoughtful and functional present.

Ultrahuman was kind enough to send me a link so that my readers get 10% off their purchase. It is yours to use:

Discount link:
Discount code: WOOTDINI10

TL;DR – A cool innovative product that may not be for everyone, but the ones who need it will love it.


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